Yield for pedestrians or Yield for oncoming traffic, whatever the reason we have the Yield Commercial Painting Stencil you need.
Available in 3 Sizes
-Character Size: 12" X 9"; Stencil Height: 18"; Stencil Width: 59"; Weight: 6.9 lbs
-Character Size: 18" X 12"; Stencil Height: 24"; Stencil Width: 74"; Weight: 11.5 lbs
-Character Size: 24" X 12"; Stencil Height: 30"; Stencil Width: 74"; Weight: 14.4 lbs
1/8" LDPE Low Density Polyethylene construction for Longest Stencil Life.
Ask about any customer size in any of our stencils.
Check out our full selection of high-quality asphalt traffic paint to use with your new parking lot stencil. Visit our Traffic Paint page today!
Product | Weight |
12" Character Height | 6.9 lb |
18" Character Height | 11.5 lb |
24" Character Height | 14.4 lb |
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